It's all unpacked now, time to put Humpty Dumpty back together!

I'm removing the gimbal because I don't have a GoPro yet. Took a picture of where it originally plugged in for reference.

Power has been unsoldered, gimbal is unplugged and ready for removal.

Here is the gimbal sitting on the workbench!

Thanks tp the great labeling job by Sebastian, getting the arms back on was a simple and straightforward job.

Sebastian even labeled the motor leads so that it was short work to get the motor leads plugged back in to the right spots. This wasn't completely necessary as no damage would have been caused, but if I swapped leads then a motor might not turn the right way and I would have to resolve that issue before the Hex would fly, so it definitely save some time.

Now it's time to tie down the ESC's!

I see a lot of folks only use one tie wrap, but it just seems safer to me to use two. Sebastian sent enough for the job with extras to spare!

All is tidy and ready to go, In fact this bird could fly right now if we wanted to try it! (after we flipped it over of course)

Let's finish this puppy!

The landing gear is more flexible than I had thought it would be but it went on easily and has given me some ideas about relocating the battery.

All finished and ready for it's pre-flight tests! I need to hook it up to the NAZA assistant so I can figure out what switches are configured to work on the transmitter.

Found a couple of chipped props, not sure how that will affect its flight. Will it add vibration? Reduce flight times or affect handling? Time will tell.

Obviously these props have run into something at some point. Time will tell if the damage will affect the performance. My OCD might win out and force me to replace the props though!